How Faith In God Changed Ms. Okezie's Business and Transformed Her Life
Let me me introduce Chi Chi Okezie. In the early years of Noodlehead Marketing, I met great people attending numerous networking events. One of those awesome people was Chi Chi Okezie. Chi Chi is the owner of a neat company called SIMPLEnetworking.
Chi Chi and her company help other companies, professionals, universities, and government agencies develop the right skills for their business, career and social development. They believe Networking is a lifestyle and tool for success.
In my recent blog post, Three Simple Strategies To Grow Our Businesses, Chi Chi was inspired and encouraged in her journey to simply trust God. As a result, I asked her to share more with you.
Here is her story…
How Faith In God Changed My Business and Transformed My Life
Hi, my name is Chi Chi Okezie, owner of SIMPLEnetworking. I launched SN in 2006 to use business networking to build cultural awareness and provide diversity training.
Changing The Business Model
Approximately nine years ago, I faced the tough decision of changing over my business from a translational company to a consulting company. It was a tough decision because it was not in my business plan. Of course, this was a difficult decision since networking was new to me and I had no clients for the new business model. If this updated business model were to fail, I would lose my existing business’ profits.
While I was hesitant to do so, I decided to trust God and believe He was able to give me an idea for a profitable business model. If this was His will, I would trust Him to to make the necessary provisions to sustain me and grow the business.
The Transfer Of Trust From People To God
In previous major life decisions, I heavily relied on the feedback and approval of others, but this time was different. This time, I knew I needed to trust God, and I did not reach out to family, friends and colleagues for support. This was between God and me, and it was an unexpected test to build my inner faith.
Stepping out in faith, was far outside of my comfort zone. Everything in me wanted to reach out for counsel, but I resisted it as an act of obedience. God is a much better counselor and guide than man. It may seem foolish, but at the end of the day, I know where my help comes from. Insecure about my decision, I had no choice but to quickly decide on trusting God to guide my steps.
A Personal Gift
God delivered, and a personal and special gift was given to me. It was a name for the business, a business website and a wonderful graphic designer to capture the essence of our brand.
The Challenge Of Transitioning
One of my major challenges was not having steady income to fulfill my financial obligations. Our customers hired us for single projects, rather than ongoing activities. Without a recurring income, it was hard to sustain ourselves and build the business.
Thankfully, two previous clients chose to work with me in my new found effort. To help provide, they taught courses to generate an income.
My New found Focus
Now, I knew my top priority was to focus on the quality of our products and services. To succeed, we needed to market to our specific target audience. This focus would bring the revenue and customers we needed for a successful company.
The new business model was frightening, and starting from scratch is always difficult. On the flip side, pioneering can be a great experience. It brings creativity and freedom, which I love. This new business framework forced me to learn a new industry and the use of social media.
Friends and colleagues referred our service of facilitating workshops and seminars. Non-traditional methods of networking and building relationships, allowed us to get our foot in the door. We were intentional and focused with our means and methods.
Temptation To Quit
In the struggle, giving up and moving onto something else seemed like the easy way out. While tempted, this was not the route I decided to take.
Stepping out in faith, and not relying on the guidance of others, taught me the value of trust, hard work and consistency. Learning to trust, led to the growth of my personal and business platform.
Self discipline has always been difficult for me, but getting focused and career oriented improved my timing and organizational skills. It took me to a level of growth, I could not have imagined.
New Connections
While trusting God, and not talking to those around me, God brought new messengers my way to help me in this mission. Out of his kindness, he connected me with others. These new friendships were trustworthy and committed to our business and cause. For their involvement, I am grateful.
What is exciting to reflect on is how these relationships came as a result of several chance encounters of encouragement. It came from "angels" or people that I met once and gave me the much need support to continue forward at the moment I needed it.
A Fruitful Endeavor
I have found a profitable business model, and I’ve seen growth in our company, SIMPLEnetworking. Growth in education, product material, innovative ideas and resources. While this new found business model is profitable, I realized the wisdom I received was far more valuable.
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