William Hemphill — How A Thankful Foundation Equips Racial Reconcilers
Welcome to another episode of Listening to Learn as part of the Grow Your Life podcast. In this chat, pastor, entrepreneur, counselor, and licensed therapist, William Hemphill shares about the unrest we're seeing across our nation and how it intersects with the racial divisions in our society. William is the founder of Faith and Family Empowerment, the host of the faith and family matters podcast, and the pastor at Springhill United Methodist Church.
The Coronavirus crisis has surfaced numerous issues that Americans have failed to fully deal with and in the killing of George Floyd's tipping point moment, a vast movement of people, ideas, and actions have arisen to explain and solve the problems ailing us.
Now is the time for us to listen and learn as we seek out effective solutions to solve these complex problems. In this discussion, we'll dive into the topic of racial reconciliation and what we can learn and apply from the historic events that are unfolding around the country.
Connect With William Hemphill
- Visit William's counseling website here. Check out his podcast here.
- Learn more and purchase William's book (Praying With Your Spouse) on Amazon here (affiliate link).
- Connect on Linkedin, Facebook, or Instagram
Listen To The Discussion
Listen to this interview directly on Anchor here, or stream below.
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Watch The Listen To Learn Interview
Click here to watch directly on Youtube here or stream below.
Coronavirus, Podcast - Listen To Learn, Racial Reconciliation
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